Monday, December 12, 2011

blog post 5


im*                   prove*                     ment*
prefix               free functional        suffix
free lexical       ( to enhance)           bound derivational
The first known use of this word was at the circa 1550.


in*                 cred*                   ible*
prefix             free functional    suffix
free lexical     (to believe)         bound derivational
 not                                             (able to)

Used in 1440 synonymous to words like incredulous.


un*                 success*             ful*
prefix              free functional   bound derivational
free lexical     (superior)           (being full of)
First known use in 1617.


net*                     work*               ing*
free functional   free functional    suffix
(to the public)    (to work)            bound derivational
First Known use was in 1967.


ir*                re*                  place*                       able*
prefix           prefix              free functional         suffix
free lexical   free lexical      (to bring back)        bound derivational
(to not)           ( to do again)                                 ( the ability to)
First known word usage was in 1807.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

blog post 4

                 I think that social networking gives language a new face in terms of communication and content. in this new century, teenagers are beginning to clip words and blend and borrow words to mke new words. It has become a posistive and negative affect on the world in the sense that in a positive note it introduces a new culture norm and the contrary being that we somewhat lose our prescriptive way of speaking.

                Ithink that it is a combination of both because not only does the spread of the internet and other technologies create a larger need for English, but different languages in the world. what reduces the necessity of the need of the knowledge of the english language is the search engines and web translators that the web and technology has.

blog post 3

unbalance  incompatible incomplete
illegal            illiterate immature
insane  intolerant  invariable
indescent impossible inglorious irrational ingratitude
 The phonological process in these plurals is coarticulation.

bats /t/ books /k/ coughs/f/ ships /p/
cabs /c/ caves /v/ lads /d/ rags /g/
buses /s/  mazes /z/     

bushes /ʃ/ churches //
judges //
what they all have in common is that they are all alveolar and fricatives.